Saturday, September 12, 2009

ERP - The Next Big Thing In IT...!!!

What is ERP ?
With the economies of the world showing signs of recovery, optimism starts to spreads among the career aspirants. People from all walks of life are looking for making a career that can pump into a recession proof income. IT experts say ERP (Enterprize Resource Planning) with all its comprehensive modern outlook is the next big thing that is going to comment the world.
ERP is way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system which have many components including hardware and software. Today’s ERP systems are able cover a wide range of functions such as Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relations Management, Financials, Manufacturing functions and Warehouse Management functions and integrate them into one unified database. In other words ERP is a wide umbrella Under which a wide range of functions can be fixed.
How ERP Works
ERP is an integrated approach. If companies install a proper software with full fledged optimization, It can have a tremendous payback. A simple customer order usually takes it paper based journey often being keyed and rekeyed in different departments all along its way. Most often it suffer delays. At other times there are chances of losing the order or getting errors. At a given point of time, because no integration between different departments, nobody in the company will be able to pick up truly the current status of the order. You will have to make several calls or shuttle between the departments to seize the embarrassment. The Single Unified Software Program in ERP system effectively terminates this embarrassment and you in the finance section can easily access the data in the warehouse to know if the order has been shipped. That is the sort of INTEGRATION ERP offers.

Implementing an ERP System
Since ERP systems are extraordinary wide in scope and extremely complex, It is advisable take a lot of planning and adequate time for the implementation. There are three types of professional services that are provided when implementing an ERP system, they are Consulting, Customization and Support.
Consulting Services - They are responsible for the initial stages of ERP implementation to make the organization to live with their new system, with product training, workflow etc aiming at extending the use of ERP all over the different departments.
Customization Services - They work by creating customized interfaces some needs that have to be built or customized for an organization..
Support Services
This function is often provided in-house using members of the IT department, or may be provided by a specialist external consulting and services company. The support services aim at the continuous improvement of the core business processes – all while concurrently leveraging the existing solutions and providing the guidance needed to become a best-run business:

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