Saturday, September 12, 2009

Story of The Hamberger Seller

Experts say It shows the signs of recovery all over. Sooner the dreadful word recession become a thing of past. On this tought I think today it is appropriate to discuss a story.

Mr. Peg Durant was there in the corner of the street for last ten years. I often tasted his hambergs in fine evenings, only ten minutes’ walk from my home. I don’t know how he got a special affection towards me. But it was absolutely sure that might be the reason to describe me how he got the magnificent golden tint over each piece of burger he sold. Nevertheless to say he caught each passer who happened to taste his burger atleast once. Then they never try to skip the corner without Mr. Durant’s hospitality. Over the years Mr. Durant reached in a position to sell atleast well a thousand per day. May be my counting lesser, that was his engagement whenever I observed him. The other attraction of Mr.Durant was that he always insisted on reasonable margin, still uncompromising on quality. He was doing extremely well until his educated son joined his business. He told his father about the ongoing recession and its serious impact on industries. Mr.Durant smelt a rat in future. He felt an illfeeling, but to safeguard his business he was sure ha had to do some cost cutting in his burgers. He tried some measures towords this effect. All of it came to a drastic deterioration of the quality of his burgers. And at last his business landed crashing down. Now I haven’t seen him for the last many months. But I learned he still thinks all happened due to recession only…………!!!

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