Monday, September 14, 2009


On the first anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse, Obama asked wall street and the financial titans not return to the "reckless and unchecked behavior" that had turned the nation to a threatening down turn with a second Great Depression. He was speaking to an audience that included members of the financial community, law makers and top administration officials at the Federal Hall in Wall Street. With a tough and serious tone he remind the financial community "instead of learning the lessons of Lehman and the crisis from which we are still recovering, they are choosing to ignore them." Obama asked them to listen to his words: "We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess at the heart of this crisis, were too many were motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses." Obama noted the US economy and financial system pulling out of downward spiral, and was confident.

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