Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting Controll of Your Money

Getting control of your life is top priority in the life of any individual. It is a direct fight against the conditions through which one is forced to pull up. Running into huge debt, paying a credit card bill throughout out life time, huge loss in ventures, breakdown of business, families and relations is very common in the backdrop of current economic downturn.
When this happened, the very first line one usually used to do is blaming the system. But is it more better to understand primarily non other than the individual himself is responsible for his finances. Yes, system is also to be blamed. The matter of money is not stressed in our primary and secondary educational system. Financial literacy is away from most of our youths. They are not interested in how the money works. They just earn it and spent it.
If we really want to tackle the problem we must learn to chanalise our money to constructive mechanisms of investing. This is the only way for getting control of money. There are lot of choices. It is important to start early and make informed the better choices.
Brian smith who runs financial literacy workshops for disadvantaged youths and single mothers in Montreal says, in The Guardian weekly – “it’s an essential tool to combat poverty.” He advises investors ” even when dealing with financial advisers, people have to ask the right questions so that they’re fully aware of what they’re getting into.” In areful and balanced tone he leave an impact upon the youth to change the present attitude of taking the easy way realizing the fact “what they do now has an impact on their future.

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